The image shows a businessman running on top of a large clock face.

CEO Alert: The Shocking Truth About Productivity

August 21, 20245 min read

As a CEO, you're no stranger to the relentless ticking of the clock. Every second counts in the high-stakes world of business leadership. But what if I told you that everything you thought you knew about productivity was dead wrong? Buckle up, because I'm about to shatter some long-held myths and reveal the shocking truth about CEO productivity.

Image of a CEO facing the camera with a serios look in his eyes

The Multitasking Mirage

Let's start with the biggest lie of them all: multitasking. You've probably prided yourself on juggling multiple tasks simultaneously, believing it's the hallmark of an efficient leader. Wrong. Neuroscience has a bombshell for you - multitasking is a myth. Your brain isn't handling multiple tasks at once; it's rapidly switching between them, leaving you more prone to errors and mental fatigue.

The truth? Focus is your new superpower. When you give your undivided attention to one task at a time, you'll find yourself completing it faster and with better quality. It's time to embrace single-tasking and watch your productivity soar.

The 80-Hour Fallacy

If you're wearing your 80-hour workweeks like a badge of honor, I've got news for you - you're not a productivity hero; you're a burnout waiting to happen. Long hours don't equate to high output. In fact, research shows that after about 50 hours a week, productivity takes a nosedive.

The real secret? Work smarter, not longer. Identify your peak performance hours and schedule your most crucial tasks during these times. You'll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in focused, high-energy bursts.

The To-Do List Trap

Your meticulously crafted to-do list might be your productivity's worst enemy. Shocking, isn't it? While lists can be helpful, they often become a crutch, giving you a false sense of accomplishment as you tick off easy, low-impact tasks.

Instead, adopt the "MIT" strategy - Most Important Tasks. Each day, identify the three tasks that will move the needle for your business. Focus on completing these before anything else. This approach ensures you're always prioritizing high-impact activities over busy work.

Meeting For a CEO are Mayhem Time to ease the struggle with RAMS By Baz

The Meetings Mayhem

Here's a truth bomb - most of your meetings are probably a waste of time. A study by Harvard Business Review found that 71% of senior managers said meetings are unproductive and inefficient. Yet, we continue to fill our calendars with back-to-back meetings, leaving little time for deep work.

The solution? Be ruthless with your meeting schedule. For every meeting request, ask yourself: "Is my presence absolutely necessary?" If not, decline or delegate. For the meetings you do attend, insist on clear agendas and time limits. You'll free up hours in your week for more impactful work.

The Email Enigma

Email - the modern CEO's ball and chain. You might think you're being productive by constantly checking and responding to emails. In reality, you're fragmenting your attention and derailing your focus.

Try this instead: schedule specific times for email management. Twice a day is often sufficient - once in the morning to plan your day, and once in the afternoon to wrap up. Outside of these times, close your email client and focus on your MIT's.

The Perfection Paralysis

As a CEO, you're probably a high achiever with perfectionist tendencies. But here's the kicker - perfectionism is productivity's arch-nemesis. It leads to procrastination, missed deadlines, and unnecessary stress.

Embrace the concept of "good enough." Set high standards, but know when to call a task complete. Remember, in most cases, done is better than perfect.

The Rest Revolution

Here's perhaps the most counterintuitive productivity hack - rest more. Yes, you read that right. Regular breaks, adequate sleep, and time for relaxation aren't indulgences; they're productivity boosters.

Studies show that taking short breaks throughout the day can significantly improve focus and productivity. And getting 7-9 hours of sleep isn't a luxury; it's a necessity for peak cognitive function. So, stop wearing sleep deprivation as a badge of honor and start prioritizing rest.

The Power of 'No'

As a CEO, you're bombarded with requests, invitations, and opportunities. Saying 'yes' to everything might seem like the path to success, but it's actually the road to burnout and mediocrity.

Your most powerful productivity tool? The word 'no.' Learn to say no to anything that doesn't align with your core goals and values. By fiercely protecting your time and energy, you'll have more resources to dedicate to what truly matters.

The Shocking Truth Revealed

The shocking truth about CEO productivity isn't a secret formula or a revolutionary app. It's about unlearning harmful habits and embracing counter-intuitive strategies. It's about working smarter, not harder. It's about quality over quantity.

But knowing these truths is only the first step. The real challenge - and the real reward - lies in implementing them consistently. That's where true productivity transformation happens.

Wrapping up

Now that you're armed with these productivity truths, it's time to take action. But I understand that overhauling your entire work approach can feel overwhelming. That's why I've created a free, step-by-step workbook guide to help you not just boost your productivity, but to future-proof your legacy as a CEO.

This isn't just another time management guide. It's a comprehensive roadmap to transforming your productivity and securing your business's future. From crafting a succession plan to optimizing your daily routines, this workbook will guide you through every step of becoming a more effective, more impactful leader.

Don't let another day pass by trapped in old, ineffective habits. Take the first step towards revolutionary productivity today. Download your free "Future-Proof Your Legacy" workbook now at

Remember, the most successful CEOs aren't just busy - they're strategically productive. It's time to join their ranks. Your business, your team, and your legacy are counting on you. The future starts now. Are you ready to seize it?

Baz Porter is the visionary founder of R.A.M.S by Baz, a dedicated high-performance coaching program designed to elevate the lives of CEOs, executives, and entrepreneurs. With over 15 years of refining his methodologies, Baz is a luminary in transforming leadership abilities through the core principles of his R.A.M.S framework—Results, Attitude, Mastery, and Systems. His coaching transcends conventional boundaries by addressing not only the outward appearances of success but the inner conflicts and turmoil often overlooked by others.

Baz Porter®

Baz Porter is the visionary founder of R.A.M.S by Baz, a dedicated high-performance coaching program designed to elevate the lives of CEOs, executives, and entrepreneurs. With over 15 years of refining his methodologies, Baz is a luminary in transforming leadership abilities through the core principles of his R.A.M.S framework—Results, Attitude, Mastery, and Systems. His coaching transcends conventional boundaries by addressing not only the outward appearances of success but the inner conflicts and turmoil often overlooked by others.

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